Have you ever felt confused about getting your prayer just right? Salah has these crucial parts known as pillars that we can’t skip. Let’s dive into the 14 pillars of salah and other important aspects of prayer to clear up any uncertainty.

Keep reading – it’s simpler than you think!

Key Takeaways

  • Salah has 14 pillars you must do. They include making your intention, standing up straight, reciting from the Quran, and bowing down.
  • There are also 8 mandatory parts in prayer, like saying Al-Fatihah and sitting between prostrations.
  • Sunnah acts are extra things you can do to make your prayers better. These include special supplications and reading more from the Quran.
  • You have to perform each part of the prayer for it to count.
  • Doing all these pillars and parts shows respect and helps connect with Allah during prayer.

Pillars of Salah

Understanding the 14 obligatory pillars and 8 mandatory parts of prayer, as well as the various Sunnah acts, will help you develop a deeper understanding of the essential elements of salah. Once you have mastered this, you can move on to our guide on how to pray in Islam.

14 Obligatory Pillars

mosque at night

Prayer is a special way to talk to Allah. You have to do it just right to make sure your prayer counts. Here are the must-do steps:

  1. Make your intention clear in your heart that you’re about to pray.
  2. Stand up straight if you can because this shows respect.
  3. Recite from the Quran, starting with Al – Faatihah, because these are Allah’s words.
  4. Bow down with your hands on your knees like you’re trying to hold onto something; this is called Ruku.
  5. Stand back up after bowing and take a moment before moving again.
  6. Prostrate yourself by putting your forehead, nose, palms, knees, and toes on the ground; this shows total respect for Allah.
  7. Sit up from your prostration calmly before going down again.
  8. Do a second prostration just like the first to show more respect and humility.
  9. Sit after prostrating with your right foot upright and sitting on your left leg flat or tucked under you for Tashahhud (bearing witness).
  10. Keep reciting what needs to be said while sitting because every word matters.
  11. Seal off every Rakat (unit of prayer) with Tasleem, which means turning your head to the right, saying “As – salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah” meaning peace be upon you.
  12. Start each prayer section properly: from standing straight at first all the way through to the last part, where you sit again.
  13. Follow any extra rules tied to different situations, like fixing mistakes in prayer if they happen.
  14. Maintain focus throughout without rushing so each step has its proper place and time.

8 Mandatory Parts

man reading obligatory prayers

When you perform the obligatory parts of salah, you fulfill essential requirements for your prayer. Here are the 8 mandatory parts that you should know:

  1. Standing (Qiyaam) is the first obligatory part of the prayer, signifying reverence and submission to Allah.
  2. Recitation of Al-Fatihah, the first chapter of the Quran, during each unit of prayer, is another mandatory part.
  3. Bowing (Ruku) is an obligatory part where you bend from a standing position with your hands on your knees to express humility before Allah.
  4. Prostration (Sujood) involves placing your forehead, nose, palms, knees, and toes on the ground as an act of complete submission to Allah.
  5. Sitting between the two prostrations is also a mandatory part of the prayer.
  6. Reciting specific verses from the Quran during prostration or bowing is an obligatory part known as Tasbeehaat.
  7. The order in which these obligatory parts are performed must be maintained for the prayer to be valid.
  8. Finally, reciting Tashahhud and offering salutations to Prophet Muhammad at the end of prayer is essential to completing your salah.

Various Sunnah Acts

girl sending prayers by window and reviewing pillars of salah

Sunnah acts of prayer include words and actions recommended during the prayer to gain more blessings [1]. Here are some examples:

  1. Saying specific supplications like “Subhanallah,” “Alhamdulillah,” and “Allahu Akbar” during different positions in the prayer.
  2. Making additional prostrations known as Sujood As-Sahw if a mistake is made during the prayer.
  3. Reciting additional Quranic verses or chapters after Al-Fatihah during the standing position of the prayer.
  4. Seeking refuge in Allah from the accursed devil before reciting Al-Fatihah.
  5. Saying a specific du’a when going into Ruku (bowing) and when rising from Ruku.
  6. Reciting a specific du’a when prostrating and between the two prostrations.
  7. Sitting for the Tashahhud, reciting At – Tahiyyat, and sending blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  8. Making du’a for oneself, fellow Muslims, and all believers throughout the world at the end of the prayer.

Understanding the Obligatory Parts and Sunnah Acts of Prayer

prayer rug in desert

The 14 pillars of prayer are crucial for your prayer to be accepted. Standing straight, reciting from the Quran, bowing, and prostrating are important pillars. Additionally, 8 obligatory parts of worship must be fulfilled for your prayer to be valid.

Understanding these parts and acts is vital in ensuring your prayers are complete and acceptable. Before praying, you will want to read our checklist for salah, which will help prepare you.

Sunnah acts include recommended words and actions during the prayer, such as specific supplications and additional prostrations. These acts enhance the spiritual experience of praying and convey dedication to Allah’s guidance.

The pillars and obligatory parts of prayer constitute an integral aspect of practicing Islam, playing a significant role in establishing a profound connection through prayer with Allah.


al ard wa mil - five obligatory prayers

Understanding the 14 pillars of prayer is crucial for ensuring the validity and acceptance of your prayers. The mandatory parts and Sunnah acts are essential for fulfilling physical and spiritual requirements.

Observing these pillars establishes a strong connection with Allah through prayer. To attain true fulfillment in your worship, it’s vital to comprehend and practice these obligatory parts and recommended actions during Salah.

If you are new to Islam and need assistance with your prayers, then be sure to check out our article on the best interactive prayer mat to learn more.


What are the 14 pillars of Salah?

The 14 pillars of Salah are the mandatory parts that one must do in prayer, like standing, reciting Al-Faatihah, bowing, and prostrating in salah.

Why is it important to stand straight during prayer?

Standing straight during prayer is important because it is a condition of salah that allows Muslims to show respect and focus while praying to God.

Do I have to read from the Quran when I pray?

Yes, you have to read from the Quran when you pray. Especially Al Faatihah, during each Rakat, is an obligatory (fard) part of your prayer.

What does “prostrating oneself” mean in Salah?

“Prostrating oneself” means putting your forehead on the ground during prayer. This act shows deep respect for God.

Can you explain what bowing in prayer is?

Bowing in prayer happens after you stand and recite from the Quran. You bend forward at the waist with your hands on your knees.

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