Praying the right way is important in Islam, but sometimes people make mistakes. Studies show that even small errors can affect your Salah, the Islamic ritual prayer. This guide will help fix those slip-ups, ensuring your prayers are on point and spiritually rewarding.

Key Takeaways

  • To pray right in Islam, avoid moving before the Imam, rushing through prayersgetting distractedeating the wrong foods before prayer, and not resting your whole forehead on the ground during sujood.
  • If you need to do better while praying or saying verses from the Qur’an, make sure to fix it.
  • Using mindfulness can help keep mistakes away. If you do slip up, though, doing extra prostrations called sujood as-sahw helps make things right.
  • Getting help from a counselor is good if you keep making mistakes. They can teach you how to do better next time.
  • Mistakes happen, but fixing them strengthens your connection with Allah during Salah.

Common Mistakes in Salah

There are a number of mistakes we can make during salah. If you want to see our step-by-step guide on how to pray properly in Islam, visit this article.

Below we will go through the 7 most common mistakes.

Moving Before the Imam in Congregational Prayer

obligatory prayer in mosque

In a group prayer, you must wait for the Imam to move first. The Imam leads, and everyone else follows. If you move before the Imam does, your action needs to be corrected. This mistake can mess up the prayer for everyone.

So always keep an eye on the Imam; when he bows or stands up, that’s your signal to do the same.

Sometimes, it’s hard to be patient in prayer, but remember this is important. You show respect by following and not rushing ahead of your leader. Watching closely helps you stay with the group and keeps your prayer correct.

Rushing Through the Prayer Hastily

praying person in mosque

Once you’ve learned the importance of not moving before the Imam in congregational prayer, it’s crucial to avoid another common mistake: rushing through the prayer hastily. Rushing through your Salah can compromise its quality and meaning.

Be deliberate and mindful during each prayer position, from standing to prostration.

Avoid succumbing to distractions by taking a moment before starting your Salah to center yourself and focus on connecting with Allah. Remember, taking your time with each movement ensures that you accurately fulfill your obligation for prayers.

Looking Around During the Prayer

girl about to perform salaah

After learning about the importance of taking your time with your prayer, it’s essential to understand the significance of maintaining focus during Salah. One common mistake is looking around while praying.

This can distract you from fully engaging in your worship and connecting with Allah. It’s crucial to keep your gaze focused on the place of prostration and avoid letting your attention wander.

Ensuring that you maintain a steady focus during Salah helps to foster a deeper spiritual connection. It ensures that you are fully present in the moment of prayer. This can enhance the quality of your worship and allow you to experience its full benefits, as outlined in Islamic teachings.

Eating Before or During the Prayer

food by window

When offering Salah, it’s important not to eat impure or haram foods before or during the prayer. This is because consuming such food can affect the purity of your worship. In Islam, maintaining purity and cleanliness during prayer is highly emphasized.

Therefore, being mindful of what you eat before and during the prayer is crucial to ensure that your Salah is performed according to Islamic teachings.

It’s essential to be aware of the types of food consumed, as certain foods may impact the validity of your prayer due to their impurity in Islam. Ensuring that you consume permissible and pure food items allows for a clean state during worship, reflecting respect for Salah’s significance and sanctity in the Islamic faith.

Resting Only the Tip of the Head on the Ground During Sujood

When you perform sujood in Salah, rest your entire forehead on the ground. Resting only the tip of your head on the ground during sujood is a common mistake that should be corrected.

Ensure that your forehead and nose touch the ground with your palms, knees, toes, and forehead all touching the floor during sujood. This helps create a deeper sense of humility and submission before Allah.

Correct this mistake by being mindful of how you position yourself during prayer. It’s essential to perform each physical aspect of Salah correctly as it is an important part of Islamic worship.

Not Correcting Mistakes During Recitation

man reviewing checklist for entire prayer

When offering prayers, it’s crucial to avoid common mistakes in recitation. Suppose an error occurs when reciting the Qur’an. In that case, it must be corrected, particularly in Al-Faatihah, as it is an essential part of the prayer.

A lack of knowledge about correct recitation can lead to major errors during Salah. It’s important to remember that correcting mistakes during recitation ensures that the prayer is performed correctly and according to Islamic teachings.

In Islam, acknowledging and rectifying errors in recitation plays a vital role in maintaining the validity of one’s prayer. Not correcting mistakes during the recitation could impact how your Salah is perceived within Islamic rituals.

Performing Wudu Incorrectly

making wudu washing hands

Performing wudu correctly is essential in Islam as it is the prerequisite for prayer. Learning how to make wudu properly ensures that one’s prayer is valid and free from mistakes. It includes washing the hands, mouth, nose, face, arms, head, and feet in a specific order.

How to Correct Mistakes in Salah

Mindfulness is key to avoiding common mistakes during salah. If you make an error, know that performing sujood as-sahw can help rectify it [1]. If you consistently make mistakes, consider seeking guidance from a counselor to improve your prayer practice.

Mindfulness Before, During, and After the Prayer

prayer rug used for zuhr prayer

Before you start praying:

  1. Take a moment to clear your mind.
  2. Focus on the intention of your prayer and remember its importance.
  3. During the prayer, concentrate on each movement and recitation, avoiding distractions.

After finishing, reflect on your performance and seek improvement for next time. Consider seeking guidance if you need clarification on any aspect of the prayer process.

Remember to be present in the moment when starting your Salah. Concentrate during the prayer without letting unnecessary thoughts distract you. Reflect on how well you prayed afterward and consider seeking help for better understanding or performance next time.

Performing Sujood As-Sahw (Prostration of Forgetfulness)

saying allahu akbar before final tashahhud

When a mistake occurs during Salah, sujood as-sahw can be performed. Here’s what to do:

  1. Complete the prayer as usual.
  2. Perform two prostrations after the prayer to seek forgiveness for any mistakes made during the prayer.
  3. During each prostration, glorify and praise Allah and seek His forgiveness for any errors in the prayer.
  4. Afterward, continue the rest of your day, ensuring you are mindful in future prayers.

Consulting a Counselor for Persistent Mistakes

man sitting with hands on two knees

If you constantly make mistakes in your Salah, seeking help is essential. A counselor can provide guidance and support, helping you understand the reasons behind your persistent errors.

They can provide personalized guidance to help you improve your prayer performance.

Receiving professional assistance is crucial as it ensures that you are addressing any underlying issues affecting your ability to perform Salah correctly. A counselor can also offer encouragement and motivation, helping you stay committed to correcting mistakes and strengthening your connection with the Islamic prayer rituals.


a mosque at night

In summary, understanding and correcting common mistakes in Salah is crucial for offering prayers correctly. You can ensure your prayers align with Islamic teachings by being mindful during prayer, performing sujood as-sahw when necessary, and seeking guidance if persistent errors occur.

This guide is a valuable resource for Muslims striving to enhance their understanding of Salah and correct any errors they may encounter. Remember that you can strengthen the spiritual connection in your daily prayers by addressing these mistakes.

Through mindfulness and determination, you can cultivate a more fulfilling experience in your worship.


What are common errors in Salah?

Common errors in Salah include rushing through prayer, distractions during prayer, making recitation mistakes, and doubting the correct steps.

How can I fix mistakes I make during my prayers?

You can fix your prayer mistakes by learning the correct guidelines for Salah from Islamic teachings and practicing them regularly to avoid rushing and distraction.

What should I do if I mess up something in my prayer?

If you make a mistake within your prayer, perform Sujood As-Sawh (prostration of forgetfulness) at the end to correct it according to Islamic practice.

Is getting distracted during prayer a big problem?

Yes, distraction during prayer is a big problem. They can lead you to make more errors; focus on your prayers carefully to prevent this.

Can anyone learn how to pray correctly in Islam?

Yes, anyone who wants to learn can study the proper way of performing prostrations and recitations to correct their salah.

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